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Part of Saint Visage Dental Group

What Happens if You Can’t Afford Dental Treatment in the UK? Complete Guide

dental treatment

What Happens if You Can’t Afford Dental Treatment in the UK? Complete Guide

Dental care is crucial for maintaining both your smile and your overall health. However, the costs can sometimes feel overwhelming. If you’re worried about affording dental treatment in the UK, there are many options. There are also many resources to help you. This guide will walk you through what to do if you find yourself unable to afford necessary dental care.

Understanding Your Dental Care Options

NHS Dental Services

The NHS provides dental services at reduced costs. They are for those who qualify. You might get free treatment if you are under 18. You also qualify if you are under 19 and in full-time education, pregnant, or have had a baby in the last 12 months. Other eligible groups include those getting benefits. Examples are Income Support or Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.

The NHS categorises treatments into three bands:

  • Band 1: Covers examinations, diagnoses, and advice.
  • Band 2: Includes all Band 1 services plus additional treatments like fillings and root canal work.
  • Band 3: Encompasses all services in Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures such as crowns, dentures, and bridges.

If you qualify for treatment, knowing these bands will help you talk to your dentist. You can discuss your needs and likely costs effectively.

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Low-Income Schemes and Help

Those who do not qualify for free care may still be struggling. The NHS Low Income Scheme may offer them relief. This scheme helps to reduce the cost of dental care, as well as prescriptions and other health charges. Applying involves a simple form, and it’s worth checking if you’re eligible.

Payment Plans and Dental Insurance

Many dental practices understand financial pressures. They offer payment plans that let you spread the cost over time. Dental insurance is another route to consider. Plans vary widely in their coverage and cost. So, you’ll need to shop around to find one that fits your budget and needs.

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Preventing High Dental Costs

Regular Check-Ups

Regular dental check-ups can help find issues early. This can save you money in the long-term. Preventative care, like cleanings and fluoride treatments, costs less. They can also prevent the need for more expensive treatments later.

Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is your first line of defense against expensive dental procedures. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash often. They can lower the risk of cavities and gum disease.

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What if You Delay Treatment?

Delaying dental treatment because of costs can lead to more significant health issues, including severe infections or even tooth loss, which are much more expensive to treat. If you’re concerned about immediate costs, speak to your dentist about prioritising urgent care to manage both your health and expenses.

Seeking Help and Support

Communicate with Your Dentist

Your dentist is there to help you. Be open about your financial situation. They may offer a smaller treatment plan. It will address urgent issues while keeping costs down.

Explore Community and Charitable Resources

Some charities and community organisations offer free or discounted dental care. While these might not be available everywhere, they can be an excellent option for those in dire need.


You should never have to avoid dental care due to cost concerns alone. With several options available from the NHS, through insurance, or community resources, you can find the support you need to maintain your dental health without breaking the bank. Remember, investing a little in prevention now can save a lot more down the line. Don’t hesitate to seek help and explore all the options available to you.

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Get Expert Dental Care at Moston Dental Practice

If you’re struggling to find affordable dental care or if you’re unsure about your eligibility for NHS treatment and other support schemes, Moston Dental Practice is here to assist you. Our team of compassionate and experienced dental professionals is committed to providing quality dental care that fits within your budget. We believe everyone deserves access to essential dental services, which is why we offer a range of payment options and guidance on NHS eligibility.

Don’t let financial worries prevent you from receiving the dental care you need. Contact Moston Dental Practice today to discuss your options, or schedule an appointment to take the first step towards a healthier smile. Remember, taking care of your dental health is an investment in your overall well-being. Let us help you make that investment affordable and stress-free.

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