Moston Dental Practice
Part of Saint Visage Dental Group

Single Dental Implants in Manchester


Single Tooth Replacement: Restore Chewing & Speaking Ability

Missing teeth can affect more than just your smile such as your ability to chew properly, speak clearly, and even your overall oral health. That’s why we offer high-quality single dental implants in Manchester. They provide a permanent and natural-looking solution to restore your smile and improve your quality of life.

Single Dental Implants: Explained

Single tooth replacement is the modern solution for replacing one missing tooth. They consist of three main components:


  • Implant Post: A titanium post that is surgically placed into your jawbone to act as a root for the new tooth.
  • Abutment: A connector that holds and supports the crown.
  • Crown: The visible part of the tooth, made to match the colour and shape of your natural teeth.


Single dental implants offer numerous benefits over traditional dentures and bridges:


  • They look and feel like your own teeth.
  • With proper care, implants can last a lifetime.
  • Implants help preserve jawbone density, preventing bone loss.
  • Unlike bridges, implants don’t require grinding down healthy teeth.
  • Enjoy eating your favourite foods without discomfort or inconvenience.

A Glimpse into Our Single Implant Process

Single tooth replacement provide a permanent solution for missing teeth. The process begins with an initial consultation, where our Single implant dentist Moston evaluates your oral health and suitability for implants. The procedure involves three main steps:


  1. Implant Placement: A titanium post which acts as a tooth root is surgically inserted into the jawbone. This biocompatible material integrates naturally with the bone to ensure a strong foundation.
  2. Healing Period: Over a few months, the implant fuses with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. This period is crucial for creating a stable base for the artificial tooth.
  3. Crown Attachment: Once healing is complete, an abutment is attached to the implant post and a custom-made crown is secured on top. The crown is designed to match the colour and shape of your natural teeth to provide a seamless and natural look.


Single dental implants restore both function and appearance, allowing you to chew, speak, and smile with confidence.

Why Choose Moston Dental Practice?

  • Our team consists of highly trained and experienced dental professionals. They are delivering exceptional dental care.

  • Manchester single dental implant specialist use the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

  • Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities.

  • We provide a friendly and relaxed environment to make your visit as pleasant as possible.

  • From your initial consultation to the final restoration, we provide comprehensive and gentle care every step of the way.

     Our team consists of highly trained and experienced dental professionals. They are delivering exceptional dental care.

     Manchester single dental implant specialist use the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

     Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities.

     We provide a friendly and relaxed environment to make your visit as pleasant as possible.


     From your initial consultation to the final restoration, we provide comprehensive and gentle care every step of the way.

Aftercare of Single Dental Implants

Proper aftercare is essential to ensure the longevity of your single dental implant. Immediately after the procedure, strictly follow your dentist’s instructions closely The instructions typically include maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding hard foods.

🌟 Oral Hygiene: Brush twice daily and floss regularly to prevent plaque buildup around the implant. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to protect the implant and surrounding gums.

🦷Regular Check-ups: Schedule regular dental visits for professional cleanings and check-ups to monitor the health of your implant and overall oral condition.

🚭 Healthy Habits: Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption as these can slow down the healing process and negatively impact implant health.

🚭 Dietary Considerations: Stick to a balanced diet and be mindful of hard or sticky foods that could damage the implant.

Proper care ensures your dental implant remains strong, functional, and healthy for years.

Ready for a Perfect Smile? Call Us Today!

Want to restore your speaking ability and eat your favourite food without any limitations? If so, choose a single dental implant treatment at Moston Dental Practice! Don’t let missing teeth hold you back any longer. Our expert dental team offers the right solution according to your oral health needs.

 With our expertise, we restore not just the beauty of your smile but also enhance its functionality for lifelong results. Book your dental implant consultation by giving us a call today! 


Single Dental Implants in Manchester


Single dental implants are individual tooth replacements consisting of a titanium post, an abutment, and a crown. They are surgically placed into the jawbone to help patients get a natural-looking and durable solution for missing teeth. They also help restore function and aesthetics without affecting adjacent teeth.

Ideal candidates for dental implants are those who have healthy gums and sufficient jawbone density. Good overall health and a dedication to maintaining oral hygiene are also essential. A thorough consultation with our dental team will help you decide if implants are the best option for you.

The entire process typically takes several months. After the initial consultation, the implant is surgically placed which is then followed by a healing period of 3-6 months for osseointegration. Once healed, the custom crown is attached to complete the restoration.

Caring for dental implants is similar to caring for natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups are essential. Avoiding hard or sticky foods and maintaining good oral hygiene practices will help maintain the longevity and health of your implants.

While dental implants have a high success rate some potential risks may include infection, implant failure, nerve damage, or sinus issues. Our team takes all necessary precautions to minimise these risks and will thoroughly discuss all of your queries during the consultation.

Yes, veneers are designed to look natural. They are custom-made to match the colour, size, and shape of your existing teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural appearance. Our skilled dentists at Moston Dental Practice take great care to ensure your veneers enhance your smile beautifully.